A Student's Resume一个学生的简历(一)

The student resume samples below consist of resumes for students in college or high school. These samples also provide formats and styles that can be helpful for anyone going into an entry level position with no previous job experience. Student resumes n...

The student resume samples below consist of resumes for students in college or high school. These samples also provide formats and styles that can be helpful for anyone going into an entry level position with no previous job experience.

Student resumes need to be fairly simple. You don't want to go into too much detail. Without much professional experience, you won't have a lot of information about previous jobs and you certainly don't need to get into great detail regarding unrelated jobs. Most people worked in bars, restaurants, shopping malls and other non-professional positions during college. You don't need to write exhaustive statements about your responsibilities in these types of jobs .

If you have had internships or a regular position in your field of study, then it's a good idea to provide some detail. When it comes to producing content, we generally suggest including as much pertinent information about your studies as possible. Student resume tip: if you are struggling with content build a section about large projects, job specific classes, undergraduate or graduate studies.

On most occasions, it is a good idea to keep the resume to 1 page. It is also common to use an objective rather than a summary but it is fine to use both or a combination of the two. It is more common to include more detail in the education section and move that section towards the top of the resume rather than at the bottom. Many students will include information in the education section about key classes, GPA, Major GPA, Scholarships, academic and social fraternities - sororities, honors and awards.

The student resume samples were contributed from resume service firms across the country. These resume services include professional and certified resume writers from the NRWA and PARW.


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