埃及总统授权受美教育的水利部长为首相 Egypt names U.S.-educated prime minister

关于埃及总统关于授权关于新闻关于水利部长关于首相 Egypt's president tapped a young, little-known water minister Tuesday to form a new government.埃及总统于周二授权年轻的,名不见经传的水利部长成立新政府。 At 49, Hesham Kandil becomes the youngest prime mini...

Egypt's president tapped a young, little-known water minister Tuesday to form a new government.


At 49, Hesham Kandil becomes the youngest prime minister in Egypt's history.

年仅49岁的Hesham Kandil,成为埃及历史上最年轻的首相。

"My government in the first place will be a government of technocrats," he told Egypt's state news agency after meeting with President Mohamed Morsy.

“新政府,首先将会是一个充满科技人才的政府”,在与总统Mohamed Morsy会面后,Hesham Kandil对埃及国家通讯社说。

Kandil said that he will focus on implementing Morsy's program.


Educated in the United States -- he earned master's and doctoral degrees at the University of North Carolina -- Kandil joined Egypt's government after the ouster of Hosni Mubarak in February 2011.

在美国受过教育的Kandil,就读北加利福利亚大学,获得硕士和博士学位。于2011年2月份,Hosni Mubarak下台后,加入埃及政府。

Three weeks after Mubarak fell, Kandil was appointed minister of irrigation and water resources under Prime Minister Essam Sharaf.

三周前Mubarak下台,Kandil由首相Essam Sharaf授权为灌溉与水利资源部长。

Before that, he had been a water specialist with the African Development Bank and participated in the Nile Basin Initiative, according to his biography.


Morsy's appointment may disappoint business leaders who had hoped for someone with financial expertise to lead Egypt and its fragile economy. Other critics say he lacks the political experience needed for the job.


In last month's presidential election runoff, Morsy, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, edged out Ahmed Shafik -- Mubarak's last prime minister -- winning nearly 52% of the votes.


Morsy resigned from the Muslim Brotherhood and its Freedom and Justice Party shortly after the results were announced in an apparent effort to send a message that he will represent all Egyptians.


He was sworn into office on June 30, but the powerful Supreme Council of the Armed Forces wields legislative power, having ordered the dissolution of parliament after the country's highest court ruled that it had been elected under invalid laws.


Morsy tried to call it back into session, but the court reaffirmed its decision, so the military council retains lawmaking powers until a new parliament is sworn in near the end of the year.



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