论私家车My View on Private Car

关于private car关于traffic jam关于便利 With the development of society, people’s living standard has got great improvement. There are more and more people having private cars. Almost every family has one car. But every coin has two sides. Private car bri...
关于private car关于traffic jam关于便利

With the development of society, people’s living standard has got great improvement. There are more and more people having private cars. Almost every family has one car. But every coin has two sides. Private car bring many advantages to our human beings, but it also brings many disadvantages to us. There are several reasons counting for my view.
On the one hand, private car bring great convenience to us. We can go everywhere we want with a private car. We don’t need to queue for a bus and squeeze in the bus. We also don’t need to worry about the distance of our destination. We can make it without striking a blowing with a private car. Besides, staying in the private car is very comfortable. We won’t face the sunshine and rain directly and we can have air-conditioning in the car. Owing a private car has so many benefits.
On the other hand, private cars also left many problems to us. The most obvious is that it joins hands in the traffic jam. As there are many private cars on the road, in the street, but the road is too small to hold them, so traffic jam comes out. Traffic jam affects everyone out. We all know that the off-gas from private car is harmful to the air that we breathe. Because of it, many people get ill.
In a word, though private car brings pros to us, it also brings cons to us. For the sake of our human beings’ long term development, we need to use cars properly, take the bus to work more.


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