微信征服世界 Wechat Conquers the World

关于facebook关于Wechat关于微信关于社交工具 Since the policy of Reform and Open in the last century, Chinese economy develops so rapidly. At the same time, the technology catches up with the world. The popular social communicational tool Wechat was created...
关于facebook关于Wechat关于微信关于社交工具 Since the policy of Reform and Open in the last century, Chinese economy develops so rapidly. At the same time, the technology catches up with the world. The popular social communicational tool Wechat was created in China, but now it conquers the world and people is crazy about it.

The reason why people like to use Wechat is that the functions are all-sided. Before Wechat, the most popular social communicational tool like facebook though is creative, it has to download another software to better communication. While for Wechat, everything is simple, you don’t need to download another software. What’s more, you can pay and have the webcam with your friends. The comment that your friends give to you is more private, only the common friends can share. As it is so convenient, people say that they can do everything with a smart phone at hand.

Technology changes our life and people’s need promotes the improvement of technology. We use our wisdom and create the new things. We should be proud of us and show to the world that Chinese people are creative.


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