我爱熊猫 I Love Panda

关于我最喜欢的动物关于环境保护 Panda is the cutest animal in the world. It is so lovely. It has black eyes and round body. Once I went to the zoo to watch pandas. They were eating bamboo all the time, and sometimes they played in the tree. I love them so...
关于我最喜欢的动物关于环境保护 Panda is the cutest animal in the world. It is so lovely. It has black eyes and round body. Once I went to the zoo to watch pandas. They were eating bamboo all the time, and sometimes they played in the tree. I love them so much, so I watch them quietly and not to disturb them. It is not right to throw food to them.


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  • 我爱熊猫 I Love Panda

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