英语教学原则 Principles for English Teaching

关于English learning关于English teaching关于teacher关于学习英语关于老师关于英语教学 Asa teacher, we must have love and patience. We should be equal to every student.We must take every student sincerely and friendly.作为教师,我们必须要有爱心和耐心。我们应...
关于English learning关于English teaching关于teacher关于学习英语关于老师关于英语教学

Asa teacher, we must have love and patience. We should be equal to every student.We must take every student sincerely and friendly.


Asfar as I know, children don't have the purpose to study. They learn perhapsthey feel happy, so we must be their guide. We should make sure that everythingwe teach them is correct.


What'smore, children are not good at analyzing the language rules, so we don't teachthem grammar. We should teach them how to pronounce, how to communicate withothers in English, and how to write in English.


Bythe way, children are so imaginative, active and creative. They like doingthings with their hands. So we should create a real atmosphere, so as toattract their interests.


Atlast, children need to be encouraged rather than criticized. Therefore, weshould praise them more when they perform well, so as to make them moreconfident. When they make mistakes, we shouldn't blame them so angrily.Instead, we ought to be patient enough to educate them with moral words.



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