广告的争议 The Criticism of Ads

关于广告的利弊关于广告的负面影响 We have access to ads everywhere. They are showing in TV, in streets and in shops. Customers are easy to get brainwashed and have strong desire to buy products. But it is known to all that ads are over exaggerating the fun...
关于广告的利弊关于广告的负面影响 We have access to ads everywhere. They are showing in TV, in streets and in shops. Customers are easy to get brainwashed and have strong desire to buy products. But it is known to all that ads are over exaggerating the function and mislead customers, which is criticized by the public.

In the ads, pretty faces and skinny bodies can always attract customers' attention. These ads try to show the public that if they buy these products, they can look as beautiful as these attractive models. Nothing is impossible if they buy these products. Customers are willing to spend money, but when they find they are still the same after using these products, they feel being cheated.

The horrible thing for the ads is the value they try to implant to people's mind. The ads show the standard of a beauty is to have skinny body. So most young girls refuse to eat food and want to keep as thin as the models. But the fact is that these models' are in ill health. So we can't lose our mind when we see the ads.


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