儿童节快乐 Happy Children’s Day

关于儿童节关于活动关于进步 Every year, when Children’s Day comes, no matter how old people are, they want to spend this day and show their youth. In our school, there are all kinds of activities. If we win the games, we always get some candies. The tradi...
关于儿童节关于活动关于进步 Every year, when Children’s Day comes, no matter how old people are, they want to spend this day and show their youth. In our school, there are all kinds of activities. If we win the games, we always get some candies. The traditional game is to play the basketball match. Every class will send a basketball team and then compete for the final victory. Last year, my class won the second place, but this year, we plan to get improved and get the first place. So we practice very hard. We spend time practicing after class. We believe that we will have a good result on Children’s Day.


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