读书的方法 Approaches to Reading

关于内涵关于意义关于知识关于读书关于阅读方法 We all known that reading should focus on method, but what methods are good for reading? Firstly, the difficulty of the book you read should be moderate. Too difficult or too easy are not so good. If you find a...

We all known that reading should focus on method, but what methods are good for reading? Firstly, the difficulty of the book you read should be moderate. Too difficult or too easy are not so good. If you find a book is too difficult to read, just put it aside and find an easier one instead. Secondly, read the books that are beneficial for you, which can help you in your career as well as in life. Thirdly, for those simple books or those without deep meanings, you can scan over them, but for those meaningful and beneficial, you should read them intensively and remember to take notes. Finally, don't be shy to ask questions, because anyone could be your teacher. These approaches are general ones and each of you should have your own reading methods that make your reading fruitful.



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