学生使用iPad是否合适?Is It Suitable for Students Using IPad?

关于ipad关于学习关于学生 Nowadays, as the development of high technology, people have access to the high technology everywhere. Cell phone is one of them, it updates at least once a year, now iPad has been come out, it is the function that combines cell p...
关于ipad关于学习关于学生 Nowadays, as the development of high technology, people have access to the high technology everywhere. Cell phone is one of them, it updates at least once a year, now iPad has been come out, it is the function that combines cell phone and computer. More and more kids own iPad, some students even bring it to the classroom, I think it is good for them to study.

One the one hand, those people who object student to use the iPad in the classroom because they think students will be addicted to the computer games, students will delay their students. IPad has the function as the computer, every child likes to play computer games, if they bring iPad to the classroom, there are more chances that they will not use in the study, instead, they will just for fun.

On the other hand, since iPad has the function as the computer, it can help students’ study a lot. Students can use iPad to search the information they want, they can save time to check on the books. What’s more, the information they find is the newest, which could be useful than the books.

Bringing iPad to the classroom does help student with their study a lot, people should make use of the high technology, they should not reject to it because of the negative effect.


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