我最喜欢的生日礼物My Favorite Birthday Present

关于Birthday Present关于生日礼物 I have a party on my eleven birthday, many friends give me the present. There is a doll, a pen, a music box, a notebook, a book and a flower. My faverite present is the flower. The flower is very beautiful. Its colour is r...
关于Birthday Present关于生日礼物 I have a party on my eleven birthday, many friends give me the present. There is a doll, a pen, a music box, a notebook, a book and a flower. My faverite present is the flower. The flower is very beautiful. Its colour is red. I like to smell it. I put it in a bottle of water. My mother says it is a rose. I can plant it in the pot. I water the flower everyday. I wish it can be beautiful forever.


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