为什么微博那么受欢迎? Why Micro Blog is Popular?

关于微博关于沟通技巧关于网络与现实 Nowadays, update personal micro blog hasbecome a fashion, especially among young people. In 2009, when the micro blog first came into China, nobody expectedit can be so popular in such a short time. It’s so popular that...

Nowadays, update personal micro blog hasbecome a fashion, especially among young people. In 2009, when the micro blog first came into China, nobody expectedit can be so popular in such a short time. It’s so popular that somecelebrities in different fields have their personal micro blog, some of themeven have more than ten million followers. Why micro blog is that popular? Inmy opinion, this is because the unique features of micro blog.


First, update micro blog feels like writing personal diary. The difference between themis one is private, while the other is open to the public. People can use microblog to express their inner voice, show their attitude toward to socialactivities and current affairs. What’s more, micro blog do not have any rulesor other requires for the users, it provides a fair platform for everybody toshow themselves. When you want to write down something, you don’t need a penand a book, just a smart phone which connect with the Internet, and then youcan record everything on your mind. It’s so convenient that everybody loves it.


Second, microblog has the latest information that you can see what is happening right nowand what is going to be next. It enables people to participate in problemdiscussion and debate. You can find the hottest topics on the micro blog, fromentertainment to political, from individual thoughts to world events. There arealways something new on micro blog that can catch your attention. The best partis you can login micro blog at any place, any time. It’s quite convenient forpeople to browse the latest news.


Micro blogmakes our lives more colorful and convey information and share emotions, thuswe enjoy update micro blog. I think the future of micro blog is bright and fullof energy. It’s not going to fade away in our lives.



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