新四大发明 The New Four Inventions

关于第一印象关于高科技 In the old China, the four inventions have great influence on the civilization. However, with the development of technology, the foreigners make a conclusion of the new four inventions of China. They speak highly of Chinese homemade...
关于第一印象关于高科技 In the old China, the four inventions have great influence on the civilization. However, with the development of technology, the foreigners make a conclusion of the new four inventions of China. They speak highly of Chinese homemade softwares, which bring great convenience to them.

According to the research, foreigners who come to China to live for a while will be amazed by Chinese development. They get used to using Chinese softwares and they believe that Ofo, Alipay, Taobao and high speed train are the new four inventions, which influence their life greatly. They even play the joke that they can’t live without these equipment. They desire to bring these products back to their countries.

For the foreigners who don’t have the chance to visit China believe that China is poor, because the western media trend to release the negative information. Now more Chinese products have won the praise and conquered the western people. The rise of economy power brings us confidence. Many foreigners no longer mock at this old country, and they are eager to probe more about its diversity.


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