最美好的时光 The Most Wonderful Moment

关于度假关于我的周末 Last week, my friends asked me to spend the weekend in the house that near the lake. It is one of my friends’ house, where their families often spend the holiday together. Though the house was not big, the environment around was real...
关于度假关于我的周末 Last week, my friends asked me to spend the weekend in the house that near the lake. It is one of my friends’ house, where their families often spend the holiday together. Though the house was not big, the environment around was really beautiful. In the daytime, we walked around the lake and appreciated the beauty of nature. At night, we made some food and barbecued. It was such a happy time that we sung and danced. We talked about our future thoughts. Before we went to bed, we watched movies together and discussed the plot. This is the most wonderful moment for us. We share our happiness and have no annoyance.


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