父母如何影响孩子 How the Parents Influence Children

关于教育方式关于教育的重要性 Many parents believe that it is the school’s duty to educate children well, so when they find their children making mistakes, they blame the school for not fulfilling the educational job well. In fact, the children learn much...
关于教育方式关于教育的重要性 Many parents believe that it is the school’s duty to educate children well, so when they find their children making mistakes, they blame the school for not fulfilling the educational job well. In fact, the children learn much from their parents instead of school. Many parents haven’t realized how they influenced their kids.

As the saying that children are the mirrors of parents, which shows the important role of family education. There is no doubt that children stay with their parents for a long time, so they get to know the world from parents at first. The way the elder acts and talks will be imitated by the young, so parents should not keep away from the responsibility when the kids make mistakes.

As the great influence that children receive from the elder, so it is parents’ duty to set the good example for the small. They should never act rudely in front of the children. If the kids make mistakes, it is their duty to correct it immediately. Both family education and school education matter, but the former is often ignored.


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