婚姻的关键是爱 Love is the Key Element to Marriage

关于friendship关于happiness关于marriage关于友情关于婚姻关于幸福 Many people almost cry their eyes out when watching some soap playsthrobbed with love themes。Love is the key element that leads a couple before the sacred altarof the church。许多人在看与爱有...

Many people almost cry their eyes out when watching some soap playsthrobbed with love themes。Love is the key element that leads a couple before the sacred altarof the church。


However, in the past, many people got married without their ownconsent in China. Their marriage was arranged. Tow persons, a man and a woman,who were entirely strangers, were united in wedlock and became husband andwife. They had known nothing of each other before, and of course, love was asealed book to both of them. This type of marriage often led to unhappiness. Tragicstories of ill-matched were common enough.


Nowadays, it is held by many people that one should not marrywithout love. A man and a woman may freely make friends with each other. Theydo not talk of marriage until their friendship has ripened into love. In their marriage,they may take other things into consideration, but they regard love as the mostimportant thing. This type of marriage usually brings happiness.


Moreover, love may be a temporary passion, and those who are in loveare often blind to other things, so that what we call love matches do notalways result in happiness. Therefore, while love is required before a marriageis arranged, it is not the only thing required.



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