来自好莱坞女星的建议 The Advice From Hollywood Female Stars

关于外表关于心灵美关于自豪 Every year, the Oscar awarding ceremony catches the world’s attention. The female stars as the most beautiful scenery are always the media’s beloved. When these women were asked to give advice to the young girls, they give the...
关于外表关于心灵美关于自豪 Every year, the Oscar awarding ceremony catches the world’s attention. The female stars as the most beautiful scenery are always the media’s beloved. When these women were asked to give advice to the young girls, they give their opinions. The most common advice is that every girl should just be themselves and never follow the crowd. Today, a lot of girls are affected by the commercial ads. They believe that only when they have bigger boobs and tighter butts will they look beautiful. This is the totally wrong concept, as everyone has their own feature. When they lose the individuality, they lose their beauty. So it is important to stick to who you are and what you believe is right. Some day these things will make you special and make a difference. I am so inspired and be proud of who I am.


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