关于研招品德不合格者不录取的看法 My View on Moral Character: The New Graduate Admission Criteria

关于公平竞争关于是否应该帮助陌生人关于诈骗关于道德观 The circular on graduate admission in 2011 issue that the candidates who fail the ideological and moral assessment are not allowed attending graduate school. It arouses the argument of lots of people in...

The circular on graduate admission in 2011 issue that the candidates who fail the ideological and moral assessment are not allowed attending graduate school. It arouses the argument of lots of people in a short time. Mainly, there are two sides. One agrees and the other disagrees. Both of them have their own opinion.
One the one hand, the agree side thinks moral is the most important. As we all know that China is a country encouraging morality. Postgraduate belongs to the people receiving high education, which represent the group of high - quality talents in China. If the admission of postgraduate do not strict, the development of postgraduate will be more difficult. Even happen the thing “A Mouse excrement bad gruel.” Besides, students’ quality is more important than their talent. So, why not cut them before anything bad happens.
On the other hand, the opposite side considers the equality. They think to vale a person’s morality is very subjectivity. It is easy to make unfair result. For example, a student has relatives in the adjudicators can achieve high marks for sure. Or students can bribe the adjudicators by money or power. It is very unfair for the poor or honest students.
To sum up, both sides have their reasonable reasons. As far as I am concerned, I don’t agree with it. Since everyone has put their effort on it, they deserve to have an equal competition.


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