双胞胎的穿着 The Dress in Twins

关于different关于twins关于兄弟姐关于双胞胎关于子宫关于相像的 Every time when I walk in the street, I will be attracted by the twins, it is not because they look exactly the same, but they wear the same clothes. I also wonder why all the twins dress the sa...
关于different关于twins关于兄弟姐关于双胞胎关于子宫关于相像的 Every time when I walk in the street, I will be attracted by the twins, it is not because they look exactly the same, but they wear the same clothes. I also wonder why all the twins dress the same. The parents can separate them in different clothes, so that they won’t take the twins’ wrong name, now I know the reason.

The twins are living in the same environment, when they are in the mother’s womb, they have boned together, their fate is meant to be different from others. They come to the world almost at the same time, they know they have an alike brother or sister, as they grow up, they will want everything the same, because they are a union. If the parents give them different thing, the twins will think their parents are unfair to them, they like one of them. In order to avoid such situation, the parents will naturally choose the same things for them, so they can get along with each other well.

Twins’ dress the same clothes can make them have the sense of union, now I am not surprised about the twins’ dress, they are so cute in my eyes.


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