独自生活还是与人合居?Living Alone or Living With Roommates?

关于一个人住关于同居关于大学生活关于宿舍关于独自生活 Living alone or living with roommates? Conclusions differ from man to man. Some people suppose that everyone should live alone to develop their sense of independence, on the contrast, somebody agrees th...

Living alone or living with roommates? Conclusions differ from man to man. Some people suppose that everyone should live alone to develop their sense of independence, on the contrast, somebody agrees that they should live with others and make friends with others.

你会独自一人生活还是与他人一起同住呢?每个人的决定都不一样。有人认为每个人都应当独自生活以培养独立意识。相反地,有人则认为应与他人同住并做朋友。When you choose to live alone, you may feel pretty free at first. You don't need to care anyone in your dormitory, and just do what you want to do. For example, when you want to see movies until midnight, and nobody will prevent you from doing that. What's more, you can sing loudly and call your good friends to come to play together. You will always have your own room and own time but you may feel lonely after a few days.若你选择独自生活,你可能会觉得相当的自由。你不需要在意同宿舍的人,可以做任何你想做的事情。例如,当你想看电影看到半夜,没人会阻止你那样做。此外,你还可以大声歌唱,叫朋友来你宿舍玩。你有自己的私人空间,你会有私人时间,但是过些日子你会觉得孤单。Although we may think good of living alone, in my opinion, living with roommates is better. Why? Because everyone will be in trouble sometimes. When you are studying in your dormitory, you may encounter some difficult problems and you can't find out the answers by yourself. At this time, you will ask your roommates for help. Living with roommates, you can not only get help when you're in trouble, but also develop your ability to get alone with anyone.尽管我们很看好独自生活,但是我认为还是跟人同住更好一些。为什么?因为有时候每个人都会遇到麻烦。当你在宿舍学习时,你会遇到很难的问题,而你自己无法解答,这时候,你可以找舍友帮忙。跟人合居,你不仅可以在遇到麻烦时有人帮忙,还能培养你的与人相处的能力。In conclusion, living with roommates is better than living alone for me.总之,对我来说跟人同住好过独自生活。


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