资源短缺 On Energy Shortage

关于energy关于shortage关于新能源关于短缺关于节约资源关于资源 With the fast development of economy and society, manyproblems have been appeared and caused some negative impacts on our lives.Energy shortage is one of the most serious problems in the world.M...

With the fast development of economy and society, manyproblems have been appeared and caused some negative impacts on our lives.Energy shortage is one of the most serious problems in the world.

Many reasons can account for energy shortage. In thefirst place, the demand for energy has been substantial increased as variousindustries develop rapidly. Moreover, the population growth is another factor.As the time elapses, the increasing number of population has required moreenergy for living and working and other areas. Last but not least, wastingenergy is a great serious and common phenomenon all the time.

In order to solve the problem, all of us should gointo action together. For one thing, we should try our best to find out therenewable energy to replace the energy that we consumed most. For another,everyone should develop the concept that energy is limited and we have to forma habit to save energy. And we can save energy in our lives by starting fromsmall details, such as turn off the light when leaving.

In a word, energy shortage has been a big and seriousproblem in the world. Therefore, we should make our efforts to solve it byfinding new renewable energy and saving energy and any other possible ways.


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