升旗仪式 Flag-raising Ceremony

关于国庆节关于爱国主义教育 Flag-raising ceremony has been existed every Monday since I went to school. Even I have been to college, I still need to wake up early in the morning and stand in lines with my classmates, watching this sacred ceremony. A sense...
关于国庆节关于爱国主义教育 Flag-raising ceremony has been existed every Monday since I went to school. Even I have been to college, I still need to wake up early in the morning and stand in lines with my classmates, watching this sacred ceremony. A sense of proud is raising in my heart and I love my country.

Though some students complain about the flag-raising ceremony as they need to wake up so early, it is still a necessary way to educate them. When the flag is rising, everybody keeps quiet. The song they hearing that moment, a strong emotion will come to their mind. The sense of proud naturally comes and the love for our country will be strengthened.

When students go to college, most of them start to lose control and live unregularly life. The requirement of joining flag-raising ceremony helps them keep the regular lifestyle in a way. Because of the special task on Monday, most students realize to sleep early for better preparation for the ceremony and the new class.

Flag-raising ceremony has been part of our life, we get used to joining it and it reminds us of the sense of proud.


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