天气预报Weather Report

关于temperature关于weather关于weather report关于天气预报关于气候关于温度 Good evening ! Here’s the next day weather report for some main cities in Guangxi. Nanning is sunny. It is hot with the temperature from 20℃ to29℃. In Guilin, its temperature is a...
关于temperature关于weather关于weather report关于天气预报关于气候关于温度

Good evening ! Here’s the next day weather report for some main cities in Guangxi. Nanning is sunny. It is hot with the temperature from 20℃ to29℃. In Guilin, its temperature is arranged from 8℃to 13℃. It’s cold in the morning and at night. peole should wear more clothes in case of catching cold. Liuzhou is cloudy in the daytime and has a strong wind during the night time with the temperature from 11℃to 15℃. There will be beautiful sunshine in Wuzhou. People will feel comfortable to go out as the temperature is from 15℃to 22℃.That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .



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