付出与收获The Pay and The Gain

关于Gain关于Pay关于付出关于收获 Many years ago, the news that an Australian travel institution recruited a worker to guard an island, the worker could not only enjoy the sunshine and the beach, but also could get the very high pay in half a year. People w...
关于Gain关于Pay关于付出关于收获 Many years ago, the news that an Australian travel institution recruited a worker to guard an island, the worker could not only enjoy the sunshine and the beach, but also could get the very high pay in half a year. People were crazy about the job, they wanted to be the worker. Two years passed, people saw the news about the recruit, it was said that the lucky guy became the guider of the island, but he was not that happy, because he was alone in the island, which suffered him. The high pay job always has the reason, as the saying that no pain, no gain, the high salary comes from hard work. Just like our study, if we want to do well, we must have to study hard. The pay brings the gain, it is very fair.


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