我最喜爱的菜My Favorite Food

关于fast food关于广东关于我最喜欢的菜关于营养 Food is human’sbasic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste havebeen regarded as the basics of Chinese culinary art. In the long history ofChinese course development, there are m...
关于fast food关于广东关于我最喜欢的菜关于营养

Food is human’sbasic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste havebeen regarded as the basics of Chinese culinary art. In the long history ofChinese course development, there are many differences between the Southern andNorthern tastes. Generally speaking, the southern courses emphasize freshnessand tenderness; while the northern courses are oilier. As a typically southerner,I prefer freshness and pure flavor. So my favorite food is steaming fish.


Steaming fish isa classical Guang Dong dish. It’s famous for light, soft and slippery taste.The material must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to make sure thefish remain tender and pure. Put the fresh fish in the pot to steam for 8minutes with mild heat. Before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil andsome chopped green onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fishis done. My mother is very good at cooking this course. I really love the wayshe cook the fish, not only maintain the original flavors of the fish, but alsoprovide with enough protein.



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