一个玩笑 A Joke

关于joke关于一件尴尬的事关于玩笑关于老师关于调皮 I am a naughty boy. Yesterday I played a joke on my classmate, Mark. When we all busied doing homework, I draw a picture of dog and wrote a sentence in the bottom,” I am a dog.” And then I carefully put i...
关于joke关于一件尴尬的事关于玩笑关于老师关于调皮 I am a naughty boy. Yesterday I played a joke on my classmate, Mark. When we all busied doing homework, I draw a picture of dog and wrote a sentence in the bottom,” I am a dog.” And then I carefully put it on the clothes of mark. Mark sat in front of me, so I can make this things achieved easily. When he stood up to answer our teacher’s question next class, everyone saw this and laughed, including the teacher. He felt embarrassed at first, but later he laughed with us.


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