承诺The Promise

关于Promise关于承诺 We always say that promise is very important, but when it comes to the money, not so many people can keep their promise. I keep my promise all the time, because if I break the promise, my friends won’t trust me anymore. Once, I went t...
关于Promise关于承诺 We always say that promise is very important, but when it comes to the money, not so many people can keep their promise. I keep my promise all the time, because if I break the promise, my friends won’t trust me anymore. Once, I went to a shop which was near my house, I wanted to deliver the express. When I finished writing the information on the list, I suddenly thought about that I forgot to bring the money. I was worried, so I told the boss, he smiled and said it would be OK to give him the money next time. I was so surprised, he dared to do it, others would think that I would never come back again. When I went home, I kept it in my mind, then I took the money and ran to the shop. I kept my promise to return the money.


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