
How to imagine carrying a computer, only for several pieces of news? Second,newspapers offer a free choice for its readers.Having a news paper, you can select what you do or do not want to read while TV or radio or even computer will probably confine your...

How to imagine carrying a computer, only for several pieces of news? Second,newspapers offer a free choice for its readers.

Having a news paper, you can select what you do or do not want to read while TV or radio or even computer will probably confine your eyes to those that you regard as rubbish. Last, newspapers offer comments. Generally speaking, newspapers, especially formal ones,include formal remarks on the important events that provide you with a better understanding.

Concerning those two opposed opinions, I support the latter. Though the highly developed science and technology influence almost every corner of the world and quicken the pace of globalization which makes the idea of "sharing the source" come true, newspaper, as the traditional way of media, cannot be abolished, not only because of its irreplaceable advantages but its collectability and its inner charm of witnessing the good old days. The form changes, but the spirit never.



有些人认为,报纸是一定会过去的媒体。首先,时间扮演最重要的是显示role.As,究竟是在报纸上已经过时。这就是说,如果我们想办法的最新消息,报纸根本不是一个好办法。例如,在9月11日,目前的事件发生,互联网和电视之后的权利away.ThatÔ º只是给我们带来什么样的技术作为。要遵循的是其在新闻报导的限制。没有记者可以提出我们的生活各个方面,都提供了不同的目标。这意味着我们必须征询不同的报纸,以满足不同needs.Compared与传媒,计算机的其他方式,例如,通过它我们可以得到我们想知道的一切,只有我们的手指的小攻,优越。

相反,另一些人士认为,即使是对科学和技术,报纸的发展,作为传统媒体的象征,wonÔ º在消失,对自身的优势卡努º在一些被替换的意见。首先,伊藤º为方便携带约无论身处何地。报纸可以很容易地装在你的行李箱,并到处可以买到。





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