桂林之旅 A Visit to Guilin

关于旅游关于桂林关于游记关于美丽关于风景 I hear many peoplesay that Guilin is a beautiful city, but I didn’t go there before. Happily, I gota chance to visit there last month. It’s a small and quiet city. People arefriendly, because it’s a famous touri...

I hear many peoplesay that Guilin is a beautiful city, but I didn’t go there before. Happily, I gota chance to visit there last month. It’s a small and quiet city. People arefriendly, because it’s a famous tourist city. There are many foreigners travelto Guilin. Li River, Two Rivers and Four Lakes, Elephant Trunk Hill and Peak ofSolitary Beauty are the most famous views. I visited them all and I think theyare amazing. After enjoying myself in Guilin, I visited to Yangshuo by boat.Along the way to Yangshuo, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Li River.Yangshuo is a wonderful place, too. The West Street attracts many tourists,especially young people, because there are many bars and clubs there. I didn’tgo to the bars because I am a middle school student. Maybe someday in thefuture, I will. In short, it was really a pleasant trip to Guilin.


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