伦敦奥运会 The London Olympic Games

关于2012关于伦敦奥运会关于奥运会 The London Olympic Games was hold in the year of 2012. In the summer, I was on vacation, so I had time to appreciate the big party. There were so many athletes took part in the games, I was so excited when I saw our countr...

The London Olympic Games was hold in the year of 2012. In the summer, I was on vacation, so I had time to appreciate the big party. There were so many athletes took part in the games, I was so excited when I saw our country’s team. I watched all kinds of sports, I like driving most. Driving is our country’s skillful sport, we has won many golf medals in the last Olympic games. The athletes stood on the board, made some ready for the action, then when the referee said go, they would drive into the water with wonderful move. This was so amazing to watch, the whole summer, I enjoyed the big party.



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