An Unforgettable Event一件难忘的事(二)

The village where I spent my childhood lies at the foot of a mountain.The surroundings are very beautiful.There are limpid streams,winding trails lined with green grass and colourful flowers,and stretches of dense woods.Although the life of the villagers...

The village where I spent my childhood lies at the foot of a mountain.The surroundings are very beautiful.There are limpid streams,winding trails lined with green grass and colourful flowers,and stretches of dense woods.Although the life of the villagers has been much improved,they are still poor,for the village is not conveniently located.
Father,mother and elder sister have been working hard to support my schooling.They expect me to learn more knowledge and be capable of doing greater things for our country.I often prepare my lessons late into the night,for I know at the same time my parents and sister are weaving wicker baskets or processing tea for sle to make money to cover my expenses at school.
Last summer,when the college admission notice reached me,I was wild with joy while mother and sister shed happy tears.Twenty days later,my sister and I walked to the nearest town and there we took a bus to the nearest railway station in another small city.My sister would see that I took the train safely.When we reached the railway staton,sweat suddenly appeared on my forehead,yet a cold feeling crawled at my back and legs.The bag with the admission notice and 5000 yuan was missing!
It was already very dark,for it was nearly 8 o'clock in the evening.We hurried back to the bus station with little hope to find the bag again.


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上一篇 03-04
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  • 一件难忘的事的作文350字

      星期天下午我和妈妈去小河边钓鱼,这里的空气可真新鲜啊。  来到河边,我赶紧拿起鱼竿坐了下来,准备钓鱼。就在这时,我突然看见一只蝴蝶飞了过来,这只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶吸引了我的全部注意力,这时我妈妈说:“宝贝,千万不可以分神。”听了妈妈的话,我才坐下

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  • 一件难忘的事的作文350字

      星期天下午我和妈妈去小河边钓鱼,这里的空气可真新鲜啊。  来到河边,我赶紧拿起鱼竿坐了下来,准备钓鱼。就在这时,我突然看见一只蝴蝶飞了过来,这只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶吸引了我的全部注意力,这时我妈妈说:“宝贝,千万不可以分神。”听了妈妈的话,我才坐下

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      童年里有很多让我难忘的事,有开心的,有激动的,有伤心的,有难过的,有害怕的,有一件事让我至今难忘。  有一次我的牙快掉了,妈妈让我穿好衣服,他带我去拔牙。我的心突然怦怦怦的跳得很快,一直说先把这个写完,再把那个洗完,一直磨了一个多小时,妈妈开始吼了起来

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  • 一件难忘的事作文600字

      我马上就十岁了,在我成长的过程中留下了许多美好的回忆。有开心的、快乐的、悲伤的、感动的……这些回忆像雨露一样滋润着我的成长,不过最近有一件特别令我难忘的事。  那是去年的寒假,《国家地理杂志》摄影展来到了深圳,并组织了小小讲解员活动。妈妈毫

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