红包负担 The Burden of Red Pocket Money

关于good luck关于传统节日关于压力 It is Chinese tradition to give children red pocket money during Spring Festival. The red pocket money means the good wishes to the children. But as the time went by, the amount of money needs to be added, and some people...
关于good luck关于传统节日关于压力 It is Chinese tradition to give children red pocket money during Spring Festival. The red pocket money means the good wishes to the children. But as the time went by, the amount of money needs to be added, and some people even judge a person by the money that he gives to the children. It has become a burden for the young people, because if they don’t give a lot of red pocket money to the children, others will look down upon them. For the young people, they are under great pressure. They need to pay for the house and meet the basic needs. Sometimes the pocket money may cost more than a month’s salary. What a great burden. The meaning of red pocket money is to bring luck to children, instead of asking for money.


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