结婚的花费 The Expense of Marriage

关于单身是最好的升值期关于结婚聘礼 Nowadays, for the young people, when they come to the marriage, the first thing they think of is the house, and then the car. A house and a car seem to be necessary equipment for marriage. If people don't own these, the...
关于单身是最好的升值期关于结婚聘礼 Nowadays, for the young people, when they come to the marriage, the first thing they think of is the house, and then the car. A house and a car seem to be necessary equipment for marriage. If people don't own these, the elders won't be happy or even refuse their daughters to get married. The great expense of marriage is such a heavy burden that some people advocate the simple style.

For Chinese tradition, when the couples get married, both relatives should be invited and have a big party. Both sides gain respect by the luxury of the party, so the couples need to spend a lot of money to save face, which is a great burden for them, some even borrow money and then pay off in the rest of days.

As there is so much pressure for the young generation to face, the simple lifestyle is favored by them. Some choose to take a trip as the great celebration and skip the party. It is comfortable and romantic. The most important thing is not to waste money.


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