假期旅游 On Holiday Travel

关于expend关于乐趣关于交通拥挤关于放飞心情关于旅游 For most people, they will choose to travelduring holiday because they want to relieve themselves from the high pressureof work. However, it happens quite often that people often ran into trafficjams on t...

For most people, they will choose to travelduring holiday because they want to relieve themselves from the high pressureof work. However, it happens quite often that people often ran into trafficjams on the way to travel. Some people think that we can relax ourselves bytraveling no matter of how many people there. Some people would rather to stayin home than going out to travel because they think there are too many people swarminto the scenic spots. In my point of view, I would rather to stay indoorsrather than going out to travel. Reasons are listed below.


Firstly, during holiday, so many peopleswarm into the travel spots that we can’t enjoy ourselves to the full. For mostpeople, they want to travel because during holiday, they can have several days torelieve themselves by traveling. However, so many people crowd together willmake their tour lose the original fun.


Secondly, during holiday, price will berising drastically. It is known to all that you need to spend much more to buythings or taking bus or any other transportation since many retailers will raisegoods’ price during this holiday to get fat profits.


All in all, travel during holiday is not agood choice for us since its inconvenience in traveling among a huge crowd ofpeople and also the dramatically high price for goods and transportations willlet us pay extra money.

总之, 在假期旅游并不是一个好的选择。不仅是因为在旅游的时候穿梭于人群中会很不方便,而且也因为假期期间的物价及交通费用会飞涨而让我们多支付额外费用。


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