挣钱的意义The Meaning of Earning Money

关于money关于梦想关于钱 There is no doubt that money is of great importance. We need money to support our lives and realize our dreams. For our parents, they save as much money as possible, while young generation trends to spend money for fun. In my opini...
关于money关于梦想关于钱 There is no doubt that money is of great importance. We need money to support our lives and realize our dreams. For our parents, they save as much money as possible, while young generation trends to spend money for fun. In my opinion, the meaning of earning money is to improve life standard.

A Chinese girl was reported to save more than 100,000 RMB for working two years. Her monthly income is about 6,000 RMB. Many people are wondering about how she makes it for them saving nothing. The girl lives with her parents, andshe barely joins the social activity, so all her spend is to take the bus. When young people read her story, they no longer admire her, because they don’t appreciate her lifestyle.


Saving money brings some people happiness when they see the large number in credit card. But if they don’t spend the money to eat what they like or buy what they want. Instead, they live the same simple life every day. I feel sorry for them, becausethey don’t know improve lifestyle by earning money. The meaning of earning money is to bring us comfort, as so to enjoy life.



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