向政府腐败说不Say no to the Government Corruption

关于corruption关于代价关于公务员热关于利益 Recently,it’s quite common to hear the news that the government’s key officials werefound guilty of accepting bribes, abusing personal power and thus being putinto prison. Such news has aroused great attention...

Recently,it’s quite common to hear the news that the government’s key officials werefound guilty of accepting bribes, abusing personal power and thus being putinto prison. Such news has aroused great attention from the public. Apparently,it’s really necessary to fight against corruption and reduce red tape. A cleangovernment is the basic foundation for the steady and healthy growth for ourcountry’s development.


First ofall, to be a public servant should work diligently in an honest and clean wayand abide by laws and regulations when performing his duties. He must rememberthat personal interests should put behind country’s interests. That’s the basicrequirement for them. Any official who fails to meet the standard of theserules should be kicked out of the public servant forever. And the incomes andoutputs of the governments should be examined by random. The daily expense ofthe governments must reduce to the minimized.


Secondly,the public servants should remain themselves that their salaries come fromordinary people tax-paying. Tens of thousands people pay tax for thegovernment’s daily expense as well as public servants and key officials’incomes. If the servants abused their position power to gain benefits, theywill receive punishment.


To reducegovernments’ corruptions, what we can do is to strengthen supervisionmechanisms, so as to publish corrupted officials and let them pay higher costsfor their behavior. What’s more, we should take effective measures to put alimit on their power and prevent them from abusing power. Only in this way, wecan have a clean environment.



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