
Harmfulness of Fake Commodities Nowadays there are a lot of fake commodities on the market. There are many reasons for this social phenomenon, but in general, they come down to three major ones. For one thing, producers can profit a lot by making fake com...

Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

Nowadays there are a lot of fake commodities on the market. There are many reasons for this social phenomenon, but in general, they come down to three major ones. For one thing, producers can profit a lot by making fake commodities because the cost of producing fake commodities is much lower. For another, businessmen can also profit a lot by selling fake commodities. Perhaps the prime reason is that our legal system is not sound and the punishment of illegal producers and businessmen is not severe. Fake commodities cause many harms to society. Generally, the harms can be listed as follows. First,fake commodities damage the consumers' interests. Besides, they also harm the credit of businesses because the shops which sell genuine commodities will also be distrusted by consumers. Worst of all, they will bring about potential dangers because using fake commodities of interior quality will cause accidents and endanger consumers' lives.



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