低碳生活 Low-carbon Lifestyle

关于environmental protec关于lifestyle关于Low-carbon关于低碳生活关于环境保护关于生活方式 Withthe spread of the consciousness of environmental protection, the word“low-carbon” has been very popular in life. We can find it in many aspects,such as low-carbo...
关于environmental protec关于lifestyle关于Low-carbon关于低碳生活关于环境保护关于生活方式

Withthe spread of the consciousness of environmental protection, the word“low-carbon” has been very popular in life. We can find it in many aspects,such as low-carbon products, low-carbon consumption, and low-carbon travel andso on. Generally speaking, more and more people are advocating “low-carbon”lifestyle.


Asimplied in the name, “low-carbon” lifestyle is a kind of new pattern of lifestylewhich aims to lowering the carbon dioxide emission in living as much aspossible. For example, some office workers are not proud of driving privatecars from work to home any more but pride themselves on riding or taking publictransportation. In addition, they advocate recycling water and saving energyas much as they can.


Ascollege students, we also make some contribution in our daily life to reducethe emission of the carbon dioxide. For example, switch off the light whenleaving and save water. In addition, we should use our knowledge and action toarouse others’ concern about the importance of lowering emission of carbondioxide and lead them to lead a “low-carbon” life.



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