看书还是实际经验Reading Books or Practical Experience

关于practical关于传统书籍关于电子书 People think highly of reading books since long time ago. They think books are the source of knowledge. If people want to be progress, they have to read. But some people think practical experience is more important. As...

People think highly of reading books since long time ago. They think books are the source of knowledge. If people want to be progress, they have to read. But some people think practical experience is more important. As far as I am concerned, both of them are significant. We need to deal with their relationship properly.
On the one hand, books always are the ladder of progress. Everyone has limit energy to learn, let alone experienced by themselves. If they want to know more things, the best and effective way is to read books. Books are the heart of countless generation. So it is good to have the mind to read books. However, talk about stratagems on paper is not very useful. If a person knows much knowledge, but he doesn’t practice it, he always can’t make things perfect. Because there maybe some detailed they don’t read on the book. Practical experience should not be ignored.
On the other hand, practical experience is very helpful. An experienced person will have better understanding about the specific filed. If there is anything happens, they can deal with easily. But if they just depend on practical experience, they can not go far. Without some knowledge, they can’t make clear some points in a short time. Some may take their whole life time.
To sum up, reading books and the practical experience exist side by side and play an important part together. People can go farther and further with their help.


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