早晨的自习室 The Morning in Study Room

关于写人关于写物关于学习关于学校关于教室 Earlydawn breaks the silence of the campus, including the study room. The birds arewhispering, telling us a wholly new day is coming.Thereare nearly one hundred seats in the study room, and there are several booksp...

Earlydawn breaks the silence of the campus, including the study room. The birds arewhispering, telling us a wholly new day is coming.

Thereare nearly one hundred seats in the study room, and there are several bookspiling on the each desk. Besides, bottles, cups, snack are here and there. Peoplecannot fail to find any useful things in the study room.

Onsuch a early Sunday morning, except me there are only four students can befound in the study room. A girl sitting by the window is reading a book whichhas a blue cover. Her left hand lifts her head and her right hand fixes the book.Sunshine goes through the window, shines on her. Staring her shining hair, Isee some spirits dancing on it. A lovely girl with big eyes is standing in frontof the desk, drinking milk to activate her energy all day. At the same time, shelooks out of the window, lost in thought. With the sun growing higher, thestudying room becomes brighter, too. However, the boy sitting beside me absorbshimself in sleeping still with a pen in his hand. I guess what dream is hemaking now? Another girl is writing something rapidly on the paper. She has aslim figure which is more charming when in her red dress though her hair is alittle messy. Her beauty cannot be covered up......

Atthat time, the cleaner is coming, and her movements break my contemplation. Ishall study now.


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