大学自杀现象Suicide in College

关于引人深思关于电影关于释放情绪 Last night, I saw an Indian movie which is called Three Idiots, the movie mocks at the Indian education. It is known to all that the Indian campus suicide problem is very serious, the highest rate of college suicide happen...
关于引人深思关于电影关于释放情绪 Last night, I saw an Indian movie which is called Three Idiots, the movie mocks at the Indian education. It is known to all that the Indian campus suicide problem is very serious, the highest rate of college suicide happens here. The college suicide problem is a worldwide issue. There are many reasons.
First, college students are under great pressure. They have to finish their courses, if they can’t reach the standard, they have to put off the graduate day, which means they can’t find a good job, they have to waste their youth for a year. Second, some students haven’t left home before college, so they don’t know how to get along with others. When they are frustrated, they don’t have someone to talk to; they can’t let out their emotions. Once they meet difficulties, they will depress themselves, it is easy for them to choose end up their lives.
Students should learn to give off their emotions; they can do some exercise, take more activities, and learn to share happiness and sorrow with others. Suicide is not a way to fix problem, it only brings worse effect. No matter what happens, we should say no to suicide.


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