爱乐之城 La La Land

关于我的梦想关于生活态度关于生活方式 In the year 2016, there were many good movies impressed audiences. La La Land must be the winner, because it had won many awards and the audiences loved this story so much. The movie told about the theme of dream and r...
关于我的梦想关于生活态度关于生活方式 In the year 2016, there were many good movies impressed audiences. La La Land must be the winner, because it had won many awards and the audiences loved this story so much. The movie told about the theme of dream and reality. The hero chose to submit to reality before he made his dream come true, while the heroine did the opposite choice.

In the movie, their different attitudes towards dream and reality decide the ending of the couple. Both of them realize their dreams, the girl becomes famous and marries a rich man, living a happy life. The boy also makes his dreams come true. He earns enough money and opens a bar for himself to sing the music he likes. In my opinion, the boy’s choice seems to be most people’s action.

When there is contradiction between dream and reality, life should take priority, because if we can’t make our ends meet, then how can we survive and let alone to talk about dreams. The wise person will not give up his dream. No matter what kind of work he does, if he insists, someday, his dream will come true.


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