高速路该收费么?Will You be Charged for Highways?

关于博物馆收费关于道德底线关于郊游 In recent years, Chinese government pedestals a policy that citizens can drive on the highway for free during holidays. Some people are in favor of the highway free policy, while others take an opposite side. As far as I...
关于博物馆收费关于道德底线关于郊游 In recent years, Chinese government pedestals a policy that citizens can drive on the highway for free during holidays. Some people are in favor of the highway free policy, while others take an opposite side. As far as I am concerned, we can not afford to ignore that we don’t have to pay for driving on the highway, however, there are some disadvantages of the policy.
近几年,中国政府出台了一项政策,市民可以在节假期 My Holiday'>假日期间享受高速路免费通行。有些人大爱这个高速免费政策,有些人则持反对意见。就我看来,我们不能无视高速免费的好处,然而,这个政策也有弊端。
On the one hand, there is no doubt that the highway free policy could arouse people’s appetite for travel, when it comes to holiday, we can see a big traffic jam in every road, and countless sorrow faces. People think the policy is a great perk, but they didn’t realize everyone thinks so, therefore, when people going go travel, the scenic spot is crowded with people, what’s more, they have to wait for hours on the highway whether they go to travel or come back.
一方面,无疑这个高速免费政策会激起人们出行的欲望,每到节假期 My Holiday'>假日,我们就会看到路上的车队长龙,还有无数的苦逼脸。人们以为这个政策让他们捡了个大便宜,但是他们没意识到每个人都是这样想的,因此,人们出游的时候,景点就会挤满了人,还有就是在他们在出去和回家的路上要等上数小时。
On the other hand, highway free policy might causes some problems, for instance, hygiene problems, safety problems and so on. Some people are with low ethical principles, when they are on the highway or in the scenic spot, they might throw rubbish wherever they want,which in highway is a terrible safety problem. Since the number of travel people have jumped so fast, the highway and scenic spot’s hygiene and safety problems are very easily out of control.
Therefore, it is quite clear that we should be charged for highways, even though it increases the travel money, I believe it is worth.


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