Witnessing an Accident-目击一起交通事故

At a quarter past seven on the morning of February 8, I was walking alongthe road to the east. An old man standing on the other side near the city park was going to cross the street. When he wascrossing the road, a yellow car ran out of the corner of the...
At a quarter past seven on the morning of February 8, I was walking alongthe road to the east. An old man standing on the other side near the city park was going to cross the street. When he wascrossing the road, a yellow car ran out of the corner of the Third Street suddenly. The car was so fast that it was hard tostop at the old man. A terrible accident happened,the old man was run over by the car! To our great anger, the car didn'tstop but ran away as quickly as possible. Fortunately I noticed the car number. It was AC864. About two minutes later Istopped a car passing by and took the old man to the nearest hospital.Li Hua
2月8日早晨7点15分,我正沿路向东走。站在路对面公园附近的一位老人想要过马路。他正在过马路时,一辆黄色轿车从第三大街拐角处突然驶来。车速太快了以致于很难在老人前停住。可怕的事情发生了,老人被撞倒。令我们气愤的是,车没有停下而是尽可能快地跑开了。幸运的是我留意了车号,它是AC864。大约两分钟后,我叫住了一辆过往的车,把老人送到了最近的医院。 李华
On the morning of February 8, Iwas walking along the park road. An old man near the city park on the other side was going to cross the road.When he almostwalked to the middle of the road, a yellow car rushed out of the corner of the Third Street. It suddenly turned right but theold man didn't see it. The car was so fast that it couldn't stop at the moment and ran to the old man. The poor old man wasknocked over. The driver saw that but he didn't stop to help the old man. Instead, he drove the car away. I was very angry. Iremembered the car number which was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a car passing by and took the old man to thenearest hospital. Li Hua
2月8日早晨,我正沿着公园路走。路对面公园附近的一位老人想要过马路。当他快走到路中间时,一辆黄色轿车从第三大街拐角处冲出来。车突然右拐,老人没看见。车速太快,当时无法停下来,所以只能冲向老人。老人被撞到了。司机见此,并未停下来救老人。相反,他开车跑掉了。我很气愤。我记得车号是AC864。大约两分钟后,我叫住了一辆过往的车,把老人送到了最近的医院。 李华


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