童模 Child Model

关于教育方式关于模特 As more young people become parents, they raise their children in a fashionable way. Most young parents dress their kids with stylish clothes, thus the market of child costume develops so fast that child model is demanding. The public...
关于教育方式关于模特 As more young people become parents, they raise their children in a fashionable way. Most young parents dress their kids with stylish clothes, thus the market of child costume develops so fast that child model is demanding. The public holds different opinions of this job.

The public first concerns about the overwork of children. When they choose to become a model, it is natural for them to shoot a lot photos, so the manufacturers ask them to overwork. Though some parents guarantee the break time, the strong competition makes the children work as adults do. They will lose freedom and can’t enjoy a happy childhood.

When children start their career, they will have access to the adult world, which makes them more mature than the average children. Some photos were criticized by the public. The children dress the sexy costume and act very mature. They imitate their adults. Recently, the child model imitated the victoria’s secret fashion show, doing the business run way. When people saw this, they were shocked by the sexy action.

Being a child model is acceptable, but parents should protect their children, for their innocent childhood, never try to cater to the manufacturers to earn money.


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