公共演说的重要性(四) Why Public Speaking Is So Important?

关于opportunity关于public speaking关于society关于公共演说关于机会关于社会 Opportunities in society在社会中的机会In a society, citizens have manyopportunities to speak out on political issues and you have the right and theresponsibility to make your opinio...
关于opportunity关于public speaking关于society关于公共演说关于机会关于社会

Opportunities in society


In a society, citizens have manyopportunities to speak out on political issues and you have the right and theresponsibility to make your opinions known, even if you don’t run for publicoffice. You will find many opportunities to express your ideas at town meetingsand other forums that will allow open, public discussion. School board and citycouncil meetings, for example, offer built-in opportunities for ordinarycitizens to express their positions on local issues. Government department holdhearings to learn the pros and cons of proposed laws. Citizens can use theseopportunities to speak out on such issues as the environment, urban problems,human rights, and welfare housing projects. Remember the spoken word is apowerful tool for influence. Public speaking skills will help you make adifference. As you studying public speaking, you are preparing for many ofspeaking situations faced by presidents, generals, business leaders,celebrities and reformers. You are also preparing for the more commonsituations faced by teachers, sale people, bank clerks, and others who want tomake things better for themselves and their community.



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