网络小说改编 Adaption of Web Fictions

关于四大名著关于小说 In China, web fiction is more and more popular, especially among the young generation. We can see many hot web fictions have been brought to the screen and arouse people’s attention. A lot of web fictions are needed to be revised bef...
关于四大名著关于小说 In China, web fiction is more and more popular, especially among the young generation. We can see many hot web fictions have been brought to the screen and arouse people’s attention. A lot of web fictions are needed to be revised before they are brought to the screen. Some people criticize the adaption for many reasons.

On the one hand, when the screenwriters adapt the original web fictions, they haven’t realized the difference between movies and books, because movies are short while many details have been ignored. So the audiences can’t feel the strong connection between the characters. Everything is happening so fast in the movies and the adaption hurts the fans’ feelings.

On the other hand, the adaption shows disrespect to the writer of the web fictions. When the screenwriters want to catch more audiences, they usually add some unnecessary plots, such as the naked and kiss shots, and sometimes it only ruins the beauty of the stories.

Of course, there are also some successful adaption, which get applause from the audiences. The successful ones are on the basis of respecting the original fictions. It has a long way to go for the adaption of web fictions.


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