汉语学习热 Chinese Learning Heat

关于好处关于学习关于影响关于汉语关于狂热 On TV programs, we can see many foreigners can speak Chinese fluently and sing songs well. Or, walking on the street, we may see a foreigner talking with friends in fluent Chinese. And a lot of Confucius Institutes...

On TV programs, we can see many foreigners can speak Chinese fluently and sing songs well. Or, walking on the street, we may see a foreigner talking with friends in fluent Chinese. And a lot of Confucius Institutes has been built arond the globe. Indeed, Chinese is more popular around the world than before, and the population speaking Chinese is on the rise. Some people argue that this phenomenon is good for the development of the language and the communication between countries, while others doubt it. As for me, I prefer to the former.


With the Chinese-speaking population becoming larger and larger, Chinese is endowed with greater vitality, which is of great importance to the survival and development of a language. With constant change of time, more new words and phrase from other languages are added to Chinese, which greatly enriches Chinese. What's more, the wide use of Chinese can introduce real Chinese culture to the world so that people from other nations can gain a better and further understanding of China. Since language and culture are closely related, it's impossible to learn a language without learning its culture. Once knowing a nation's culture, the understanding of that nation would be deeper and the barriers would be eliminated gradually.


From the discussions above, with the progressing of globalization, Chinese has been widely recognized and learned. It's a good way to broadcast our nation's culture. However, in view of this situation, we can not be to optimistic, because with the deepening of communication, something bad can be brought to our language, too. Therefore, we should be cautious to thisphenomenon.



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