出名要趁早 Getting Famous at the Early Age

关于名人教育关于童年记忆 As the development of mass media, people find the easy way to get famous. Some parents believe that it is better to get famous as early as possible, so they try to let their children grasp the chance to gain fame. Surely the publi...
关于名人教育关于童年记忆 As the development of mass media, people find the easy way to get famous. Some parents believe that it is better to get famous as early as possible, so they try to let their children grasp the chance to gain fame. Surely the public criticizes the parents to push their children to the society so eagerly.

The public believes that every child should enjoy a happy childhood. They need to receive education at school, making new friends and then hang out for fun together. They are in the age of being innocent. The great happiness they own will influence their lifetime. The loss of childhood pities many famous persons who get famous in the early age.

While some adults protest that studying at school is not necessary for children, and they can hire the tutors to teach their children at home, which win more time for the kids to focus on career. Starting career early indeed can make more money and gain reputation, but the loss of childhood can’t never be amended as they grow up. Life is long, why not enjoy every stage of it.


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