征收私家车税Private Car Owners Should Be Taxed for Pollution

关于environment protecti关于可持续发展关于环保关于税收作用关于调节 Inrecent years, as environment protection has been brought to public focus to alarge extent, taxing private car owners for pollution has also been concerned alot among people. For my point...
关于environment protecti关于可持续发展关于环保关于税收作用关于调节

Inrecent years, as environment protection has been brought to public focus to alarge extent, taxing private car owners for pollution has also been concerned alot among people. For my point of view, private car owners should be taxed forpollution.


Wecan see that the idea will bring some benefits. To begin with, taxing privatecar owners is conducive to reduce environment pollution as well as health harmin that we all know that the gas emission of private cars have done a lot of harmto our environment and our body. With this tax, the private car owners will beinclined to reduce the use of car to ease their financial burden. In addition,carrying out this tax will slow down the increase of private car. Those whowant to buy a private car will take the tax into account before they decide tobuy a car. Finally, taxing private car owners will be a great warn ofenvironment pollution and arouse the awareness of environment protection.


Ina long term, taxing private car owners is beneficial to our sustainabledevelopment and environment protection. To put it in a nutshell, private carowners should be taxed for pollution.



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